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8 Ways Motherhood Shapes Career Management for Exceptional Growth

In 2016, I had the privilege of attending a conference hosted by the esteemed CEO of Société Générale Bank and Trust, focusing on women in leadership. As I sat in the theatre surrounded by fellow women, I witnessed a wave of discouragement sweep through the room. Many expressed their concerns about how motherhood posed a threat to their careers.

As a mother for six years at that point, I couldn't help but feel frustrated by the negative rhetoric surrounding motherhood. In my experience, motherhood had not only shaped me as a person but had also significantly enhanced my leadership skills. It was disheartening to see that none of us were acknowledging the incredible opportunity that motherhood presented.

Allow me to share with you why motherhood can be a transformative journey for your career. Let’s have a close look at eight benefits of motherhood to your career.

Enhanced organizational skills, multi-tasking abilities, and time management

Mothers are masters at juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities, from managing household chores to attending to their children's needs. They become experts at prioritizing tasks, setting achievable goals, and optimizing their time through multi-tasking or delegation. These invaluable time management skills seamlessly transition into a management role, where deadlines and responsibilities are constantly shifting. Additionally, these skills enable effective resource allocation, efficient task delegation, optimal productivity within your team, and the ability to plan and organize team projects while ensuring a smooth workflow.

Patience, Calmness and effective crisis management

Motherhood instills patience, the ability to stay composed, and effective stress management. I vividly recall an incident during a trip to Tokyo when my daughter threw a tantrum in a 4-star hotel lobby, attracting attention from passers-by and causing her father to leave on the spot. As her cries echoed through the space, I remained calm and composed, soothing her and shielding her from the curious gazes of strangers. Motherhood demands resilience in the face of demanding and stressful situations, honing the ability to manage stress effectively.

This skill becomes invaluable in a management role, where conflicts and setbacks are commonplace. The capacity to remain level-headed and composed is vital for leading your team through difficult situations and maintaining a positive work environment during challenging times.

Effective problem-solving skills and quick decision-making.

Mothers are constantly faced with unexpected challenges and problems, ranging from a sick child to a broken appliance. In these moments, it often feels as if you're tasked with the impossible. However, the constant need to think on your feet and find creative solutions translates seamlessly into a management role, where problem-solving skills are essential. Motherhood equips you with exceptional problem-solving abilities, as it involves anticipating and proactively addressing potential problems or crises.

This proactive problem-solving mindset allows you to handle complex managerial issues, resolve conflicts within your team, make tough decisions, and find innovative approaches to overcome obstacles.

Strong empathy and emotional intelligence

As a mother, you are attuned to the needs and emotions of your children, requiring a high level of emotional intelligence to connect with them and facilitate their development. Understanding and meeting the emotional needs of a child demands compassion, active listening, and the ability to interpret non-verbal cues. These empathetic qualities become valuable assets in a management role. By understanding and empathizing with the needs and concerns of your employees, you can forge strong, trusting relationships, create a positive work environment, and provide the necessary support, motivation, and guidance.

Effective communication and active listening

Effective communication and active listening are also paramount in both motherhood and management. Mothers must communicate with their children in a clear, nurturing, and effective manner, ensuring that their choices and actions are understood. Similarly, managers must communicate with their teams in a way that inspires trust and collaboration, fostering collective results. Effective communication is particularly crucial during a crisis at work, as it minimizes confusion, maintains employee morale, and coordinates efforts to resolve the situation.

Leadership embodiment

As a mother, you serve as an inspiring leader to your children. You not only assume an authoritative role, setting rules and providing guidance, but you also lead by example. Today's organizations require inspired leaders who exemplify authenticity, commitment, fulfillment, and possess the resilience to persevere in pursuit of shared goals.

Adaptability, resilience, and a growth mindset

I recall a period in my life when I unexpectedly became a single mother, and everything seemed to crumble around me. It was a time of immense stress and upheaval, but I learned to be flexible and adaptable. I built resilience in the face of adversity and challenging circumstances, such as being an expat single mother during the COVID-19 pandemic. My routines were shattered, and I had to forge new habits and a new life. This period taught me the importance of staying calm and maintaining clarity of thought.

Clear thinking is essential for cultivating vision and developing a lasting roadmap, both in life and in professional environments. Along the way, I discovered new strategies and rediscovered old ones for cultivating resilience, bouncing back, and finding opportunities within challenges.

Unique perspectives and vision

Motherhood provides a unique perspective and the ability to envision the future. As a mother, I am constantly thinking about the well-being and future of my child. When faced with problems or requests, I consider different angles and understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. This ability to think ahead and set goals is crucial in a management role. Having a clear vision allows managers to steer their team in the right direction and work towards a common goal. Additionally, being open to diverse perspectives leads to better decision-making and problem-solving. By considering different viewpoints, managers ensure that all voices are heard and valued within their team.

If you have fears about the potential impact of motherhood on your career or if you're a mother-to-be worried about what lies ahead, I encourage you to share your concerns in this blog. I understand that motherhood can be challenging, but it is also a marvellous opportunity for personal growth and professional development. Embracing the skills and qualities that motherhood nurtures can empower you to thrive both as a parent and in your career.

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